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Embracing Stillness: Let the Feeling Pass

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In our fast-paced world, it’s common to feel lonely and crave human connection. Our first instinct may be to reach for our phones and call someone for comfort or reassurance. But it is precisely at this moment that we should resist the urge to seek external validation to fill the void. Let the feeling pass by turning inward towards the practice of meditation.


Meditation offers us a powerful tool for navigating the complex terrain of our emotions. Instead of giving in to the impulse to fill our empty lives with superficial distractions, we can choose to sit quietly, see the sensation of loneliness as it grows stronger within us, and patiently wait to let the feeling pass. This act of self-restraint is not only a demonstration of inner strength but also a profound affirmation of our commitment to seeking truth and authenticity in our lives.

The truth is, when we give in to the temptation to seek false fulfillment through external means, we only end up feeling even lonelier than before. It’s like trying to fill a bucket with a hole in it. No matter how much water we pour into it, it will never be full.

Instead of seeking instant gratification, try sitting quietly and observing the impulse grow stronger. Watch as it peaks and then gradually fades away.

Something powerful will emerge from this experience—an inner knowing of what truly needs your attention. In this moment of stillness, reflection, and observation, you can tap into a deeper truth within yourself.


Although observation does not cut off the pain, it lessens its intensity because you are no longer fighting it. Instead of immersing yourself in the feeling, you can see your reactions and thoughts and make new choices. Observation lets you see the experience instead of being absorbed by the emotions.

This doesn’t mean that seeking fellowship or engaging in activities with others is wrong – far from it! But there are times when we need solitude more than anything else. These are the moments when we need to let life catch up with us. We need space for our thoughts and feelings without any distractions.

Think about kids who spend hours at school, followed by hours glued to screens like television or smartphones. They never have a chance for inner fulfillment because they are constantly being bombarded with external stimuli.

True Inner Peace

We live in a world where outward fulfillment is prized above all else – but this kind of fulfillment often leaves us feeling empty inside. We become corrupted by a constant barrage of messages telling us that happiness lies outside of ourselves.

But true inner peace comes from being still and allowing ourselves those moments of quiet introspection to reconnect with our essence. When we embrace stillness, we open ourselves up to new insights and understanding about ourselves and our place in the world.

When you allow yourself these moments of stillness, you are not far from the Kingdom of God. The world and you will no longer be compatible. You will be imprinted with new knowledge. Some hardships may come along the way. There may even be some conflicts within yourself as old beliefs clash with new knowledge.

But remember – through these struggles emerges something beautiful: a deeper understanding of who you are and what truly brings meaning into your life.

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