Unique Man/Woman Relationships

To know what works and how to avoid mistakes in relationships.

Marriage and Discovery

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Marriage is a challenging and risky journey that many people struggle to navigate successfully. Not only do they fail to learn from it, but they also regress. It requires maturity and mental preparedness to handle the responsibilities of marriage and parenthood. 

Unfortunately, some individuals enter into marriage for the wrong reasons, leading to destructive outcomes. However, for other people, marriage can be a transformative experience, teaching them important truths about themselves.

Saint Paul believed that it was better for a man not to marry, but he acknowledged that not everyone could attain his level of enlightenment. For those who are not enlightened, marriage can be a path toward self-discovery and growth. 

Lessons of Marriage

For many unenlightened men, marriage is seen as the answer to their problems. However, they often have to go through the highs and lows of love and sex in marriage to realize or prove to themselves that marriage is not the answer and does not bring lasting fulfillment. This is not to say that is not the way. It is to say that marriage is one way for some people. Some individuals can only discover this lesson through personal experience, wanting to try it their way. 

The pursuit of sexual gratification can become a painful journey, but staying committed to the marriage can lead to a deeper understanding. Over time, the focus shifts from the self-centeredness of sex to a genuine concern for the other person. 

As one learns the lessons of marriage, they begin to live as if they were not married. They let go of the obsession with sex and the ego-driven desire for love and validation. Instead, they correct and support each other based on a higher love, the love of God.

The ultimate goal is to transcend the limitations of sexuality and sensuality, striving for a state of eternal love. This marks a new era of selfhood, where individuals can elevate themselves and help others in the same way.




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