Our news

  • A Clinging Vine

    A woman who becomes a clinging vine by relying excessively on her husband for security and emotional support may inadvertently cause him distress and be detrimental to the relationship. This indicates a lack of personal fulfillment within her.  She is seeking in her spouse what she shouldn’t be getting from him. It drains a man to give…


  • Having a Steady Girlfriend

    Having a steady girlfriend who likes you can be gratifying, but it also gives her a mysterious power to influence you into doing things you know you shouldn’t do. It can be difficult to assert yourself or say no to her, and this can be painful. To deal with her in this power dynamic, you may overcompensate…


  • Attachments and Men

    Forming attachments to people, places, or things creates dependencies. Those attachments are often made because they make you feel like you have gained something, but in reality, you have lost something. This realization can lead to feelings of betrayal and anger, making a wrong situation worse. Someone has taken away your support, leaving you feeling vulnerable. A Cycle…


  • Love Is

    Love is an act of giving without expecting anything in return. It is a selfless act. Human love, on the other hand, often involves investing in something or someone with the hope of receiving something more valuable back. It is like feeding a cow hay and receiving milk.  True love surpasses this transactional mindset. It is about giving from…


  • Husband’s Viewpoint

    When a husband feels weakened, destroyed, or humiliated by his wife’s “loving” actions, he may feel compelled to reject her to preserve his sense of self-worth. However, this can hurt his wife and hinder their relationship. The husband needs to approach his wife’s needs in a manly way, a more selfless and understanding manner, rather than focusing…


  • Wife’s Viewpoint

    BP107 It can be a dangerous game when a wife puts her husband on a pedestal and idolizes him. While men may enjoy the ego boost, it can lead to problems when the woman becomes too emotionally dependent on him.  Both men and women have natural sexual needs that can be met with understanding, love, and…


  • Man and Sex

    BP106 If a man believes that his need for a woman is equivalent to love, he is inadvertently placing an immense burden on her.  Any need one has for another person is a substitute for their need for God.  By placing someone in the position of God, one unintentionally brings out the dark side in…


  • Woman and Spouse

    BP105 A woman faces a problem with her spouse in two aspects. At first, she feels a deep affection for him, which is actually her way of feeling good about herself, and this is selfish. Then, she goes above and beyond to meet his needs, even when he should really be reflecting on his own…


  • Man and Spouse

    BP104 Marriage can be a hazardous union, especially if you are unprepared for it. It is essential to be mature before taking the plunge. Otherwise, you might find yourself in hot water. A woman can be a force to be reckoned with if you don’t know how to deal with her. Your spouse might just…


  • Desire and Women

    BP103 Some women desire to be worshipped and seek attention and excitement in various relationships. However, the men who worship them lack understanding and depth. This leads to the women becoming emotionally entangled with the wrong kind of people, resulting in their own sickness and eventual tragedy. When a woman is with a good man,…